Call for Papers


Program Committee


Past workshops:

HASP 2022
HASP 2021
HASP 2020
HASP 2019
HASP 2018
HASP 2017
HASP 2016
HASP 2015
HASP 2014
HASP 2013
HASP 2012

Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP) 2023

Date: October 29, 2023, Sunday

Location: Harbour Salon C (Hotel Tower, Convention Level) co-located with MICRO 2023

Zoom: https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/89298458716?pwd=a1dGUnVURk84Q2hxeXJwSXYwRzFRQT09
Meeting ID: 892 9845 8716
Passcode: 081733

Proceedings: https://dl.acm.org/doi/proceedings/10.1145/3623652

Workshop Program

8:30am - 8:35am Welcome Remarks

8:35am - 9:20am Keynote: Secure Hardware for Machine Learning, Machine Learning for Hardware Security (G. Edward Suh)

Session 1: Best Paper Candidates Vote for Best Paper
9:20am - 9:35am SEIF: Augmented Symbolic Execution for Information Flow in Hardware Designs (Kaki Ryan, Matthew Gregoire and Cynthia Sturton)
9:35am - 9:50am EntryBleed: A Universal KASLR Bypass against KPTI on Linux (William Liu, Joseph Ravichandran and Mengjia Yan)
9:50am - 10:05am Triton: Software-Defined Threat Model for Secure Multi-Tenant ML Inference Accelerators (Sarbartha Banerjee, Shijia Wei, Prakash Ramrakhyani and Mohit Tiwari)

10:05am - 10:35am Tea Break
Vote for Best Paper !!!

10:35am - 11:20am Invited Talk: Mitigating Rowhammer in the Era of Dropping Thresholds and Breakthrough Attacks (Gururaj Saileshwar)

Session 2: Edge Computing Security Session Chair: Shuwen Deng (Tsinghua University)
11:20am - 11:35am Automated Security Analysis for Real-World IoT Devices (Lélio Brun, Taro Sekiyama, Ichiro Hasuo and Yasushi Ono)
11:35am - 11:50am DINAR: Enabling Distribution Agnostic Noise Injection in Machine Learning Hardware (Karthik Ganesan, Viktor Karyofyllis, Julianne Attai, Ahmed Hamoda and Natalie Enright Jerger)
11:50am - 12:00pm Best Paper Award announcement

12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch

1:00pm - 1:45pm Keynote: Hardware Security of Quantum Computers (Jakub Szefer)

Session 3: Hardware Trojan Mitigation. Session Chair: Cynthia Sturton (UNC)
1:45pm - 2:00pm DeMiST: Detection and Mitigation of Stealthy Analog Hardware Trojans (Enahoro Oriero, Faiq Khalid and Syed Rafay Hasan)
2:00pm - 2:10pm WiP: Reference-free Hardware Trojan Detection in Manufactured Integrated Circuits (Hassan Salmani)

2:15pm - 3:00pm Invited Talk: Data Processing Unit’s Entry into Confidential Computing (Reshma Lal)

3:00pm - 3:30pm Tea Break

Session 4: Hardware Security Analysis and Verification Session Chair: Jakub Szefer (Yale University)
3:30pm - 3:45pm SoK: Fault Injection Attacks on Cryptosystems (Tinghung Chiu and Wenjie Xiong)
3:45pm - 4:00pm Towards a Formally Verified Security Monitor for VM-based Confidential Computing (Wojciech Ozga, Guerney D. H. Hunt, Michael V. Le, Elaine R. Palmer and Avraham Shinnar)
4:00pm - 4:15pm A gem5 based Platform for Micro-Architectural Security Analysis (Quentin Forcioli, Jean-Luc Danger and Sumanta Chaudhuri)
4:15pm - 4:30pm SoK: A First Order Survey of Quantum Supply Dynamics and Threat Landscapes (Subrata Das, Avimita Chatterjee and Swaroop Ghosh)
4:30pm - 4:40pm WiP: Formal Specification and Verification of Attestation in Confidential Computing (Muhammad Usama Sardar)

4:40pm - 4:45pm Closing Remarks

4:45pm - 5:00pm Mentoring and Networking Session

Mentors: Jakub Szefer (Yale University), Menjia Yan (MIT), Xiaolin Xu (Northeastern University), Reshma Lal (AMD), Wen Wang (Intel)